Welcome to the "What's Your Secret Struggle Homeschool Mom?" guest post series. Today, we hear from Kristina Peterson (who blogs at Book Bound Boys) about discipline in your homeschool.
Do you dream of starting your homeschool day without arguing, procrastination, tears? Do you remember when they were little, and they joyfully participated in whatever you had planned without complaint?
Okay, well, most of the time.
Now that they've gotten a little older sometimes it is difficult to get them to sit together and get to work. They seem to lack the discipline necessary to do what you would like them to do. Instead, they would rather joke around, not complete their work, or get it done as quickly as possible without any effort.
Has this been your experience?
Teaching them discipline requires us to discipline. In other words, it means that we need to be teaching, learning, and listening in order to help them develop the skills that will lead to a “good morning”.
The Bible says in Hebrews 12:11 (ESV):
For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
That is accurate wouldn’t you say? If we have not instilled discipline at a young age, it gets even harder as they grow older. After that, discipline becomes painful and unpleasant for you and your child. If you noticed, I am using the word discipline not so much as a form of punishment but as a form of teaching and learning.
Before we get into the “How To’s” you are going to first take a look at your desired outcome.
Download the printable pack here and begin with the "Areas of Concern" worksheet. You can also use a sheet of paper if you prefer. Think about the areas your children are having a difficult time.
Maybe he is resistant to rising up at a reasonable time. His work is sloppy. He doesn’t want to sit down and quietly do his work. Perhaps everything is a struggle!
Have I touched on any of your problem areas? Good. Make sure to write your issues down. This is important! You have to identify the problem areas.
Take out a fresh piece of paper, or use the Homeschool Dream Day worksheet, to write down how you would like to see your homeschool day. This may sound silly but write down the details. In other words, consider questions such as these:
- Everyone wakes up refreshed?
- The house is clean?
- If you have a homeschool room, what does it look like?
- Are all the tools you need to set out and ready for the school day?
- Do you hear music in the morning?
- Do you light candles for devotions?
Take at least 15 minutes and envision your day with your family.
Great. Is it, your vision, detailed. Can you see it?
Now that you know how you would like your day to go and know the areas in which you want to see behavioral changes you can begin STEP 1.
STEP 1 to Discipline in Your Homeschool
First, create a rough draft of your family rules, code of conduct, habits, or whatever you would like to call it, by using the Areas of Concern worksheet that you completed.
Then, read over your Homeschool Dream Day worksheet again and find ways to achieve it. What do you need to add to your family rules in order for you to have your Homeschool Dream Day?
STEP 2 to Discipline in Your Homeschool
Now that you have written your rough draft of the family rules, sit down as a family and review the family rules. Discuss the expectations along with the consequences. This is the most important step. Each family member should be aware of what you expect of them and what the consequences are for the choices they make.
In our house, if my sons did not complete a task in an agreed upon time frame they would not be able to play video games. According to my sons and their friends, the loss of video games is the most effective form of punishment.
You can also use video games, or whatever your child enjoys, as a positive. In other words, you could say "when you finish the history lesson, you can play video games."
STEP 3 to Discipline in Your Homeschool
Create a frameable copy of the family rules and have everyone sign it. Make sure to display it where it can be seen.
All of this being said, it is necessary to understand that your child’s behavior is often coming from what is going on inside.
The child that is reluctant to sit and write may not want to because his printing is poor. If he has a hard time in the morning and is difficult to get him moving, he could benefit from starting his day slowly and begin school work later in the morning.
Here is the painful part for you as a parent. Following through, every day, with the rules your family has agreed upon. To help you follow through review the family rules every morning. This helps the children remember and gives them guidance.
A pleasant morning verse is a wonderful way to start the day. Here is one found at The Magic Onions
Brave and true will I be,
Each good deed sets me free,
Each kind word makes me strong.
I will fight for the right!
I will conquer the wrong!
Putting all of these steps together will help you in achieving that Homeschool Dream Day. By looking at your Areas of Concern you will write your Family Rules. Share your ideas with your family and discuss. Remember to listen to their needs, too. Add a beautiful frame to display your family’s rules and follow through.
Please share this post if you found it helpful.
Hi, I’m Kristina. A homeschool mom of three homeschooled boys, two graduated and one on the teenage journey. My love for literature has been passed down and I’m here with reading helps, book reviews, and parenting tips. You can find me at Book Bound Boys, and on Instagram.
More posts in the series:
What's Your Secret Struggle Homeschool Mom? Series Introduction
3 Simple Steps to Discipline in Your Homeschool
Wanting Time Away From the Kids
I Want to Homeschool, But I Don't Want to Teach
Super Simple Homeschool Record Keeping
When Your Homeschool Child Begs To Go To Public School
Living with Allergies and Asthma: What Parents Need You to Know
Am I Qualified to Homeschool a Child with Dyslexia?
Helps for Your Unmotivated Teen
Hold On There Homeschool Mom, You Can't Do Everything!
The Hidden Risk in Homeschool Mom Cliques
Help! Homeschooling is Ruining My Marriage!
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Thank you for sharing these tips! Homeschooling can be difficult at first, but once you get the hang of it, it isn’t as hard as you thought it would be.