Free Homeschool Math Curriculum


Math seems to be one of the subjects that most homeschool moms dread, with science running a close second. I actually love math, though I didn’t love teaching it for the longest time. It wasn’t until I realized that math isn't some secret code that needs to be deciphered that I began to enjoy math with my kids.

It's actually very natural for most children to learn math concepts, and if you graduated high school, you can absolutely teach math.

I spent hundreds of dollars trying to find the “right” math curriculum. I was terrified that I wasn’t going to teach it correctly and my children were going to be so behind where they should be.

I needn’t have worried so much.

Do you know what all of that curriculum I bought had in common? It all taught the same things, in pretty much the same order. The only difference was in the method of delivery. Some were very worksheet oriented, while others were very hands-on, and still others used a combination of both. Some used a spiral method and some used a mastery approach.

Regardless of what method is used to teach it, math is math.

You can spend LOTS of money trying to find the best math for your family. But you don’t have to. #homeschoolmath #homeschooling Click To Tweet

You don't need an expensive curriculum to teach math. There is no “right” way to teach it, but there is a way that works best for you and your children. Trust me when I say, you can spend LOTS of money before you figure out what that is.

But you don’t have to.

I’ve put together a list of some of the best free math programs available. All were completely free at the time of writing. If you find one that is no longer free, please let me know.

Free Math Curriculum for All Grades at

This post may contain some affiliate links for your convenience, which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will earn a small commission. This helps me keep my blog up and running without costing you a penny more! Click here to read my full disclosure policy.

Elementary Math Curriculum (Grades K-5)

The Good and the Beautiful

Simply Good and Beautiful Math is an AMAZING curriculum, and it is absolutely FREE to download. You'll get a full year of math instruction including 120 lessons incorporating video instruction, hands-on learning, fun activities, and games. The lessons are open-and-go, which makes them SUPER easy to incorporate and it beats national academic standards!


Plain and Not So Plain
From the site: I believe in sharing the fruits of my labor and want any parent who cannot afford curriculum to be able to home school their child.  It will cost you some printer ink and paper, that’s all!!!


Free Math Program
FreeMath is an exceptionally high-quality math program covering every math skill that should be taught for Grades 1–5. This program was developed by conducting a complete analysis of math textbooks from a variety of different sources (including math textbooks from the highest-scoring school district in Florida). From this base of information, they were able to create a detailed list of the specific math skills that should be taught in each elementary grade.


Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool
The online course is completely free, with free printable worksheets. If you prefer not to print or are unable to, you can order a workbook of the printables that go along with the online course, or a workbook and parent's guide that makes up an offline course. I've linked to each for your convenience.


Little House Kindergarten Math
180 days of printable Kindergarten Math curriculum created by a former classroom teacher turned homeschool mom.


Miniature Masterminds
A full 36-week printable math workbook for kindergarten through grade 2.

There's also other free printables to help with math, such as this Hands-On Math Pack, Free Printable Number Sense Mats, and A Year's Worth of Themed Math Mats.


Comprehensive School Mathematics Program
CSMP was developed to be an exemplary curriculum by the National Institute of Education for others to emulate.  While many pieces have been adapted, some thirty years later there are few curricula that compare. Each grade includes Lesson Files, Worksheets, Blackline Masters, Storybooks,  and Story Workbooks.


cK-12 Elementary Math - Grades 1-5
cK-12 Math programs are made up of online interactive lessons, videos, practice, and worksheets. This program is aligned with Common Core.


Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching - Mathematics Enhancement Programme
For each year there are practice books, detailed lesson plans, and copy masters to be used in lessons, as well as general information about the Primary MEP project.


Match Fishtank
The goal of our mathematics programs is to provide our students with the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed in college and beyond. At Match, we seek to inspire our scholars to pursue advanced math courses, and we provide them with the foundations they will need to be successful in advanced math study.


Ray’s Arithmetic - including teacher editions for grades 3-5
Completely free textbooks and teacher's guide for Ray's Arithmetic, an older program that is in the public domain.


Under the Home
This curriculum is Charlotte Mason inspired and covers all subjects in grades K-5, including math.



Middle School Math (Grades 6-8)


Master Math - Grades 6-8 and Algebra 1 - Video lessons
(AHmazing free math resource)


CK-12 Books


Plain and Not So Plain
From the site: I believe in sharing the fruits of my labor and want any parent who cannot afford curriculum to be able to home school their child.  It will cost you some printer ink and paper, that’s all!!!


Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching - Mathematics Enhancement Programme
For each year there are practice books, detailed lesson plans, and copy masters to be used in lessons, as well as general information about the Primary MEP project.


Easy Peasy All-in-one-Homeschool


Match Fishtank
The goal of our mathematics programs is to provide our students with the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed in college and beyond. At Math, we seek to inspire our scholars to pursue advanced math courses, and we provide them with the foundations they will need to be successful in advanced math study.


Free Math Curriculum for All Grades at

High School (Grades 9-12)

Carnegie Mellon University - Open & Free Courses


Plain and Not So Plain
From the site: I believe in sharing the fruits of my labor and want any parent who cannot afford curriculum to be able to home school their child.  It will cost you some printer ink and paper, that’s all!!!


Easy Peasy All-in-One High School


Match Fishtank
The goal of our mathematics programs is to provide our students with the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed in college and beyond. At Math, we seek to inspire our scholars to pursue advanced math courses, and we provide them with the foundations they will need to be successful in advanced math study.


Flipped Mastery Learning
Flipped Mastery allows students to demonstrate mastery of all concepts and progress at their individual pace. Our students will master all standards in Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus.


CK-12 Books - Includes teacher books
After clicking the link, choose the “Flexbook Textbooks” tab


MathOps - Algebra


Master Math - Algebra 1 - Video lessons
(AHmazing free math resource)
There are over 160 lessons, each of which includes a 10-20 minute video, printable worksheet, answer key, online quizzes, and links to other websites for practice and further discussion of the concept.


Do you have a favorite free math curriculum that isn't included here? Please share with us in the comments!



Don't forget to visit each of the other 16 bloggers taking part in the 10-day series over the next two weeks! You'll find some wonderful free resources on all sorts of topics!

Health Worksheets for Kids by Living Life and Learning
Homeschooling and Parenting Encouragement by Simple at Home
10 Days of DIY Summer Camp at Home by Forgetful Momma
10 Days to Prepare Teenagers for Work by Living Ideas
10 Days of Free Unit Studies for Summer Homeschooling by Faith & Good Works
Teaching Independent Learning by A Net in Time
10 Days of Preschool Science Social Study Themes by This Crafty Mom
Dinosaur Printables by Preschool Powol Packets
10 Days of Hands-On Learning Activities for Kids by Mama Smiles
10 Days of Time Saving Hacks for Busy Moms by Purposeful Motherhood
10 Days of Nature Study by Heart and Soul Homeschooling
10 Days of Free Homeschool Curriculum by Subject by Life in the Nerddom
10 Days to a No Stress Home Management Binder by No Stress Homeschooling
10 Ways You Can Nurture Artists in your Home by Beyond the Stick Figure
10 Days of Printable Word Puzzles for Kids by Tree Valley Academy
10 Days of Planning for High School by This Life of Ours
10 Days of Learning with Nature by Wonder-filled Days



Don't forget to enter the giveaway where you could win one of three $100 gift cards to your choice of Amazon, Rainbow Resource, Hobby Lobby, or Christian Books! Enter here, or by clicking the image below. Scroll to the bottom of the page to enter.

Free Math Curriculum for All Grades at

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Our Journey Westward

Posted in Free Resources, Homeschool Life and tagged , , , .


  1. Wow thank you sooo much !! This was a huge help and answer to prayer as I was looking for something for my Math curriculum and had no idea where to look… well you gave SEVERAL options!! #LifeSaver

  2. Holy Guacamole! What a find. Thank you for posting this free content. As a special education teacher at the high school level it is difficult to find curriculum for my student’s ability levels. This will help greatly.

    Keep up the great work.

    Thank you for your time.


  3. Im noticing that the IXL learning links only give you 10 problems per day, then ask for membership. You cant access anything else past 10 problems in one day. Are the 10 problems per day what is free?

  4. im just about to start my daughter in a couple weeks, this is the BEST site ive found. thanks a million! im a lot less stressed about finding enough free printables as a single mother this is just the best!

  5. Commenting once again, now that I’ve used this curriculum. I just wanted to comment again that this information you have here is truly spectacular. Words cannot describe the headache you have saved me for having to piece together and create all new curriculum. My fiancee is thinking of homeschool our kids, when we have them after we get married, and this webpage will be an amazing resource. Thank you for all that you do.

    I hope and pray you continue to do amazing work.

    May God bless you and your family.

    -Shane Soliz

    • Thank you, Shane, for your words of encouragement. I’m happy that you were able to find something useful that saved you time and effort!

  6. Do you have any free online financial literacy courses. My daughter is special needs and going into 12th grade. I’ve given up trying to teach prealgebra to her after trying for 3 years.

  7. OMG!!! Thank you so much! My Daughter was asked to leave her school due to behavioral and health problems that I have. Its actually pretty sad my daughter has bin in that school since 1st grade. Now shes in 5th grade, 3 months before graduating (with all the kids shes bin going to school with for years) and they asked me to sign her out. So I did, but i didn’t want her to start a whole new school for 3 months (seems more harmful then helpful). So I decided to home school her for the last 3 months of this year. Sorry to ramble but my point is, Thank you so much. This is a life saver for some one who starts homeschooling after there child has already bin in the school system for a portion of the year. This makes it so easy to figure out where she left off in her other school. Its literally a life saver. All I can say is Thank You So Much.

  8. Wow!!! You have really gave us something that is truly wonderful! I have been homeschooling my 7 and 9 year old boys and math seems to be a struggle. I know what needs to be taught but there are days I just need help and with what you have supplied here has made me relax more because I don’t have to search around for the topics I need to cover. It is all there step by step so they can master each and every bit of math. Thank you so much!!!

  9. Pingback: How to Homeschool with Free Curriculum - Life in the Nerddom

  10. Pingback: November Home School Round Up - Homeschool Review Crew

  11. I was interested in more info on CSMP. I can’t find and videos like reviews or implementation, etc. Are there any out there?

  12. I’m so glad to have stumbled upon this post! As a homeschooling parent, I’m always on the lookout for free and high-quality math curriculum. Thank you for sharing this resource, I can’t wait to check it out!

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