Free Printable Weekend Camping Menu Planner at

Free Printable Camping Menu Planner

  We are headed to the campground soon to try out our new (to us) pop-up camper that we recently acquired. I’m back today to share with you a fun weekend camping menu planner that you can download for FREE! Eat Like a King! Let’s face it, camping can be hard. Unless you have a mini-house that you drive or […]

5 Tips For Getting Dinner on the Table Fast

Getting dinner on the table fast can be a challenge for busy families. I admit, there are days that I don’t even want to think about cooking. Why do these people want to eat so often anyway? This post may contain some affiliate links for your convenience, which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will […]

Planning a Weekend Camping Trip at

Planning a Weekend Camping Trip

We are really not a “take a vacation every year” type family. Vacations can be expensive and don’t fit into our very tight budget.We also don’t much care for the idea of going somewhere for a week, running ourselves ragged, and coming home more exhausted than when we left.No thanks.We keep it low key in the Nerddom, and what’s more […]

Meal Plan 101: The Grocery List

This post contains referral links for your convenience. For more information, please see my disclosure page. Thanks!   The final step for our meal plan is making our grocery list that we’ll take to the store with us. The Grocery List I will preface this section by saying that my method is probably redundant to most people, but it absolutely […]

Meal Plan 101: The Meal Planner

Making the PlanWe now have our recipes and our master list. It’s time to plan our meals for the week.I generally plan one week of meals at a time usually the day before I intend to grocery shop. Planning any further out than one week usually spells disaster. All those once-a-month shopping people have my deepest respect. I cannot think […]

Meal Plan 101: The Master List

The Master List Is InvaluableOur master list is the single most important piece of my meal planning arsenal.Before I started using a master list of recipes my meal planning was disorganized and rather chaotic (read: expensive and wasteful).Remember that big recipe binder we talked about yesterday? It had some amazing recipes in it (even if they were expensive to make).But….it […]

Meal Plan 101: Recipes

Whether written or memorized, having the right recipes on hand will make or break your food budget. I learned a very valuable lesson when our income decreased by half… If we want to spend less money on food then we’re going to have to give up some things we love to eat in favor of things that are cheaper to […]

How A Meal Plan Saved Us Thousands

A meal plan literally saved us thousands. Yes, you read that correctly. Thousands! Nearly nine-thousand in fact! At the time, you absolutely could not have convinced me that having a meal plan would save us one dollar, much less nine-thousand. I was couponing, matching them with the sales, and stockpiling. In my mind, I was doing all the right things! […]