Favorite Thanksgiving Books at LifeInTheNerddom.com

Favorite Thanksgiving Books

Thanksgiving is becoming an overlooked holiday these days. Halloween gets loads of attention and then on November 1st the Christmas carols are on the radio, Christmas decorations are in the stories, and of course, the Christmas sale ads begin. Thanksgiving is difficult to make money from so the holiday gets relegated to half an aisle of cheap decorations at the […]

Our Sixth Grade Reading List

My sixth grader loves to read and I’m so thankful for that. She reads so much, however, that it’s hard for me to preview enough books for her. I haven’t always been super picky about what I allow her to read. I would just pick up whatever looked fun from the library. It wasn’t until serious issues with a poor […]

What I’m Reading in May 2017 (and an April Recap)

Apparently I thought I would have more time on my hands than was realistic when I made my reading list for April. Of the five books that I put on my list, I only finished three, and one of them wasn’t even on my list!I very slowly devoured and took meticulous notes on Julie Morgenstern’s book Time Management from the […]

What I'm Reading April 2017 at LifeInTheNerddom.com

What I’m Reading in April 2017

I. love. to. read! I read a LOT of books and typically have 4 or 5 books that I’m reading from on any given day. Every month I try to choose three to four books to read in the upcoming month. This post is not necessarily an endorsement of these books, just sharing what I plan to read in the […]