Free Math Curriculum for All Grades at

Free Homeschool Math Curriculum

Math seems to be one of the subjects that most homeschool moms dread, with science running a close second. I actually love math, though I didn’t love teaching it for the longest time. It wasn’t until I realized that math isn’t some secret code that needs to be deciphered that I began to enjoy math with my kids. It’s actually […]

Why We Love Teaching Textbooks 4.0 @

Why We Love Teaching Textbooks 4.0 for Homeschool Math

Let’s face it, homeschool math can be a little intimidating. It is probably the number one subject that I hear my readers and friends are struggling with (science being a close second!). Teaching textbooks 4.0 has provided a great option for homeschool math that takes away the struggle and worry—for moms and students! Homeschool Math Program Overview Teaching Textbooks 4.0 […]

Using a Scientific Calculator in Your Homeschool @

Using a Scientific Calculator in Your Homeschool

The thought of using a scientific calculator in your homeschool can be a little intimidating! All of those strange symbols and keys . . . whew! Sure, it has an instruction booklet, but it might as well be in a foreign language for all the help it gives. It’s one thing to know what a button does, it’s quite another to […]

Online Math with at

Online Math with

Because I have a child that doesn’t enjoy math, we have tried a number of different math programs, including several online math programs, in an attempt to find a good match for her. I admit I had never heard of before we were given a one-year subscription to review the program. I was pleasantly surprised by what we found.

Practice Math with Math Sprint: The Mental Math Game at

Practice Math Facts with Math Sprint Game

I love to incorporate games into learning, and Math Sprint–The Mental Math Game by Byron’s Games is a super fun way to add math facts practice to our school day. Math isn’t a subject that any of my children would call fun, but they did really enjoy this game. The challenge and competition were great for my son, and anything […]

Multiplication Clip Cards at

Printable Multiplication Clip Cards

Memorizing multiplication facts is a little easier and more enjoyable when using these adorable multiplication clip cards!   These are super easy to use! Simply print onto cardstock and cut them out. If you’d like to make them self-checking, just find the answer on each card, flip it over, and put a small sticker or colored dot on the back […]

First Grade Math Free Games & Printables

Math….the nemesis of many a homeschool mom. I’m certainly no exception. I actually love doing math, I just don’t love teaching it! It’s frustrating and seriously tries my patience. I’ve found that keeping math fun is a must!Save Save This post may contain some affiliate links for your convenience, which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link […]