FREE Journal All Year Writing Prompts


Writing is not a favorite subject in the Nerddom. In fact, we loathe it. We have more stress over writing than we do math!

That's why I'm glad there are some awesome resources out there to help with our writing dilemma, like this fabulous FREE writing prompt package from WriteShop.


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The bundle includes a whopping 480 writing and essay prompts for elementary age and teenagers! There are enough prompts here for an entire calendar year. That's right, not just the school year, but the entire year! Keep those writing skills fresh all summer!

AND, they're not dated! Do you can use them year after year.

The folks at WriteShop were even thoughtful enough to supply the prompts in three different formats so that we can choose how we'd like to use them.



You can use them as a calendar. Just print off and display somewhere, or hole-punch to include in a binder, then choose a prompt and cross it out when finished. Easy!

They even have beautiful black and white illustrations that you can color if you'd like.

WriteShop Journal All Year Calendar



They've also provided the prompts in a card format. These would be great for putting together on a clip, or even filing in an index card box by month.

WriteShop Journal All Year Cards



Finally, they've provided the prompts as strips which you can cut apart and put in a jar, or even staple together in loops and use as a countdown.

WriteShop Journal All Year Strips


Don't miss your chance to get this FREE Journal All Year Writing Prompt Calendar Bundle from WriteShop. It's free to their subscribers for a limited time only, so head on over and get yours before it disappears!



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