Math….the nemesis of many a homeschool mom.
I’m certainly no exception.
I actually love doing math, I just don’t love teaching it! It’s frustrating and seriously tries my patience. I've found that keeping math fun is a must!Save

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Our youngest son is entering first grade this year. So far math has been pretty informal but first grade will require a bit more structure. He is a very visual hands-on learner so I have to make sure there are plenty of activities to supplement any workbook learning that we do.
With our daughter we used Horizons Math. She was not a fan. She got really bored with all of the spiral review work and started to view math as just something to check off for the day. It stayed that way until we got to Teaching Textbooks. Now she loves math. Thank you Teaching Textbooks!!
I did not want to go down the road to boredom again if I could help it. I knew that our son would need a very no-nonsense approach to math that would be easy to supplement with hands-on activities and games, so I chose Easy Peasy Homeschool’s 1st grade math workbook.
Though it’s designed to be used with the online program we’ve opted to use it as a standalone and supplement with the printable games and activities in this post. It’s hard to get Nerdlet back on track when he’s using online games, which is the majority of EP’s online math program, so this method works better for us.
Here’s a list of the free games & printables I’ve found to use this year organized by the topics we'll be covering.

Interactive Notebook Resources
I’m sort of toying with the idea of putting together an interactive notebook for Nerdlet’s math so that he has a place to refer to for certain concepts.
All About Money Cut & Paste Book
Money Mini-Book
Parts of a Dollar Flip Book
What’s the Temp? Flip Books
2D Shapes Booklets
2D Shapes Vocabulary
Place Value
Rounding Numbers
After putting all of this together on one page I have to say, I’m pretty excited about math this year! This is going to be a lot of fun for Nerdlet.
Do you use games and centers to supplement math? What are your favorites?

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This was amazing! Thank you for finding all these great activities and making it easy to download them!
This is great! I stopped with easy peasy for a bit but this list of games may out me back on! Do you have a follow up for 2nd grade?
Hi Meagan! Thanks for stopping by. I haven’t published a list of games for second grade because we didn’t continue with that curriculum. I may tackle that as a project in the future.