I’ll admit . . . when I was given a Coding for Kids Annual Membership to Simply Coding to review, I was very skeptical. My children, though they have heard of coding, have never shown the slightest interest in it. Having some background in coding myself, I knew the level of focus required, as well as the frustration that often […]
Have You Heard of My Teaching Library? It’s Amazing!
Have you heard of My Teaching Library? It is an amazing site where you can find hundreds of high-quality homeschool resources on just about every topic imaginable! Let’s take a look at all that My Teaching Library has to offer. For this review, I was given one year of access to the Download Club, which offers unlimited downloads while the […]
Homeschool Third Grade Completely Free
It may seem impossible, but you really can provide a quality homeschool education without spending a penny on curriculum! Today for the Homeschool Every Grade for FREE series, I’m sharing all of the resources you’ll need to homeschool third grade. These resources cover Language Arts, Handwriting, Reading Comprehension, Spelling, Math, Science, History, and even a few extras like Art and […]
Homeschool Second Grade Completely FREE
Yes, you CAN homeschool second grade completely FREE! Welcome to the Homeschool Every Grade for FREE series, where I show you how to provide a quality homeschool education without spending a dime on curriculum. Today, I’m sharing all of the resources you’ll need to homeschool second grade. These resources cover Language Arts, Math, Science, History, and even a few extras like […]
Homeschool First Grade Completely FREE
Yes, you CAN homeschool first grade completely FREE! Welcome to the Homeschool Every Grade for FREE series, where I show you how to provide a quality homeschool education without spending a dime on curriculum. Today, I’m sharing all of the resources you’ll need to homeschool first grade. These resources cover Language Arts, Math, Science, History, and even a few extras […]
Using the Homeschool Grab Bag in YOUR Homeschool
I have had so much fun looking through the Homeschool Grab Bag contents and figuring out how best to utilize them next year! You’ve probably noticed that I haven’t promoted any other bundles this year. That’s because, frankly, I simply didn’t believe in them. The hassle and anxiety caused by having to pick and choose from hundreds of resources, reading […]
FREE Teaser Bag from Homeschool Grab Bag
I love a good sale, and the Homeschool Grab Bag is going to be a great sale!! While the sale doesn’t officially begin until July 13th, they’re giving away a Teaser Bag valued at over $60 absolutely FREE! What?! That’s right, from July 9th at 9 AM CT until July 13th at 9 AM CT you can get the Teaser Bag completely FREE. […]
How to Homeschool with Free Curriculum
Over the last two weeks, I’ve shown you how to homeschool for free using completely free resources in all of the major subject areas. We’ve covered Math, Science, Language Arts, History, Geography, Bible, and even some fun things like Art and Foreign Language courses. Now that you know about all of this amazing free curriculum, you might be asking yourself […]
Free Complete Curriculum for Homeschool
Sometimes we just want a complete homeschool curriculum that we can “set it and forget it” and know that our children are getting a great education. It takes a lot of time and effort to put together our own curriculum, especially when using free resources. Not to worry. There are wonderful resources out there that provide everything you need without costing […]
Free Language Arts Curriculum
Today I’m excited to share with you some of the best FREE Language Arts curriculum on the internet as part of my 10 Days of Completely Free Homeschool Curriculum by Subject series. Be sure to check out all of the great curriculum! I will admit, I don’t love teaching Language Arts. While I can easily put together my own curriculum […]