You can find ants basically anywhere, which makes them a great animal to begin nature study with. They are fascinating little creatures that my children just couldn't get enough of watching and learning about. Here are some ideas for your ant unit study!
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Things To Do
Setup and Observe an Ant Farm
Learn the Life Cycle of an Ant
Ant Life Cycle Printables from 1+1+1=1
Learn How to Draw an Ant
How To Draw An Ant - Art for Kids Hub
Learn What Ants Like to Eat
A science activity from Gift of Curiosity
Things To Print
Printable Life Cycle Worksheet
Ant Life Cycle Printables from 1+1+1=1
Free Ant Lapbook
You'll also find a lapbook for the book Truman's Aunt Farm.
Fire Ant Curriculum for Kids
Great curriculum unit on fire ants, complete with activities and printables.
Things To Read
Those Amazing Ants
by Patrician Brennan Demuth
This simple to read book goes into detail about life in the ant colony, how the colony is built, ant behavior, and more. While the text is very informative, the artwork is what makes this book a great addition to your home library.
The Life and Times of the Ant
by Charles Micucci
Age Range: 1st-5th
Inside this information packed little book you'll find just about anything you'd like to know about ants. It covers topics such as what the ant does during certain times of the year, what happens inside the ant hill, what threatens an ant colony, anatomy of ants, and much more!
Ant Cities (Let's Read and Find Out Books - Science 2)
by Arthur Dorros
Age Range: 2nd +
We loved this book from beginning to end. This is a must have if you will be doing an ant farm. You'll learn about what ants eat, how they tunnel, the roles of different types of ants within the colony, the life cycle, and much more.
The Magic School Bus Gets Ants In Its Pants
by Joanna Cole
Who doesn't love an adventure with Ms. Frizzle and her class? This book takes the reader on a journey into an anthill to learn all about ants and their lives.
Two Bad Ants
by Chris Van Allsburg
Age Range: K-5th
This three-time Caldecott medalist book follows the adventures of two "bad ants" who leave the safety of the colony to find food for their queen. This is a very fun book for children of all ages.
Truman's Aunt Farm
by Jama Kim Rattigan
Age Range: PreK-3rd
This cute little book is a great read-aloud for the whole family. Truman wants to keep an ant farm so he sends away for his ants, but when aunts arrive instead he comes up with a brilliant idea! After reading the book, head over to Homeschool Share for a free lapbook to go along with the book.
Are You An Ant?
by Judy Allen
Age Range: K5-3rd
As the title indicates, this book is all about exploring whether or not the reader is an ant through questions and information provided in the text. Readers will learn about the life cycle of an ant, what ants like to eat, the everyday life of an ant, and much more. Written primarily for the younger reader, but older elementary age children are likely to benefit greatly from the story as well.
Tiny Workers
by Nancy Loewen
Age Range: K-3rd
This is a great book for learning about the life cycle of an ant as well as the physical make-up. The book includes an anatomy diagram which you can use to complete this activity from Ask a Biologist.
Handbook of Nature Study
by Anna Botsford Comstock
(p. 369—The Ways of the Ants)
Things To Watch
Click the link below each video to watch at (an Ad Blocker is recommended)
Ants - Attenborough: Life in the Undergrowth - BBC
Ever Wondered What Ant Subterranean Structures Look Like
Planet Ant - Life Inside the Colony BBC (1 hour 28 mins)
Magic School Bus Gets Ants In Its Pants (at Dailymotion)
Websites To Visit
Pest World for Kids - Ants
BioKids - Critter Catalog: Ants
Answers In Genesis - Ants: Millimeter Messengers
Things For Deeper Study & Fun
Great Science Adventures: The World of Insects and Arachnids
Eyewitness: Insect DVD
By DK Children
See the world as never before! Just like the DK Eyewitness books they're based on, this series is a fantastic guide to natural history. Special effects and stunning graphics bring the natural world to life; explore the habitats, lifestyles, and characteristics of various facets of the world through narrated facts and histories. A five-minute "Making of" trailer reveals all the behind-the-scenes wizardry that goes into DVD production. Approximately 35 minutes. Close-captioned. Grades 8-12. Narrated by Martin Sheen.
Book of Insects Reader
By Arabella Buckley & Julia McNair Wright / Memoria Press
The Book of Insects Reader is part of the Insects curriculum from Memoria Press. A compilation of classic stories written in the late 1800s, it provides a charmingly narrative approach to the life of insects. Chapters cover different orders of insects, metamorphosis, crickets and grasshoppers, water-bugs, different types of flies, beetles, months, butterflies, ants, bees, and more. 180 pages, softcover. Grades 4 & up. You can also purchase the Teacher's Guide and Student Workbook that goes along with this text.
Ant Buzzerks, Bug Goggles
By Insect Lore
The Buzzerks Ant Goggles from Insect Lore give kids a bug-eyed view of the world. Designed for ages 4 years and older, the goggles feature specially designed compound "bug-eyed" lenses, and is designed to look like an ant.
The Secret Lives of Backyard Bugs
By Judy Burris, Wayne Richards / Workman Publishing
What sorts of lives do the bugs in your backyard have? Find out with this amazing guide to a world you wouldn't see without a lot of patience and a powerful magnifying glass! Large photos and fun facts will give you a close-up look at wasps, ants, grasshoppers, crickets, cicadas, butterflies, moths, spiders, and more. 125 pages with glossary, softcover.
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I have a kid who is obsessed with all things Ants. I plan to do a unit study on Ants this fall. Thank you so much for all of your hard work and organization that has gone into this article. I will definately be utilizing most, if not all of your resources and suggestions. Thank you so much!